State of PR Technology 2024 Report by Prowly

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A sneak peek of the data you’ll discover in the State of PR Technology 2024

problem: tight budgets
Working on a tight budget surged from 34.9% in 2022 to 57.4% in 2024. We're feeling the financial squeeze more than ever.
of PR professionals don’t use any media monitoring tools
In an era where information moves at lightning speed, failing to monitor media is not just a missed opportunity — it's a reckless gamble.
PR Pros find it challenging to demonstrate their value
As the pressure to prove direct sales impact intensifies, there's a concerning shift toward reducing PR's role to mere numbers.
threat posed by AI to PR according to respondents is the loss of the human touch
This concern has spiked from 56.1% in 2023 to 80% in 2024, raising serious alarms that AI is stripping away the human element from PR.
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shared by industry experts

Eric Schultz
Co-Founder of World’s Fair Communications
Gini Dietrich
Founder of Arment Dietrich, author of Spin Sucks, and creator of the PESO Model
Maria Gergova-Bengtsson
Owner & CEO of United Partners
Stephen Waddington
Director of Wadds Inc.
Pavel Mikhalenia
Tamara Sykes
Head of Client Content Strategy at Stacker
Karolina Kroliczek
CEO & Founder of PR Insight
Thea Chippendale
Founder & Editor of The PR Insider, Founder of TLC
Corina Leslie
PR Manager at ZeroBounce
Tonya McKenzie
PR & Leadership Consultant, CEO of Sand&Shores
About the report
In the State of PR Technology 2024 study, you'll discover how PR professionals are navigating tight budgets while proving ROI through the strategic use of technology and AI.
We interviewed over 250 PR professionals from companies ranging from 1 to 500+ employees to gather their opinions and insights on public relations technologies. The audience primarily consists of PR professionals from North America and Europe, including those from in-house teams, agencies, and solo practitioner.
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About Prowly
We’re a technology company that has created an all-in-one PR platform empowering pros to earn more media coverage with data-driven storytelling, personalized outreach, and innovative tech solutions.
Thanks to Prowly, users can foster long-term relationships with journalists by drafting effective strategies based on industry data and proving their value to clients and stakeholders with easy-to-understand insights.
The solution has been successfully conquering the global PR software market for the past 10 years, and today it’s used by more than 7,000 users from over 70 countries.
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